Jen, an experienced multi-distance athlete, has enjoyed many years of running success. Her favorite events in high school were 880m, mile, 2 mile, & 4x400m. She became proficient at road racing in college. After moving to Oregon in 1995 she picked up trail running. In 2005, she returned to masters track and then found masters cross country in 2008. Jen is an active volunteer for the Oregon Track Club.
Age | 56
Profession | Group Exercise Instructor, Middle School Volleyball Coach
College | University of Notre Dame, BS Pre-Professional Science w/ Business
Miami University, MS Exercise & Movement Science
Hobbies | Hiking, Trail Running, Volleyball Coaching
Events | 800m, 1,500m, 3,000m, 5/10k, XC
Masters Ranking Profile | Jennifer Brennan
2024 Highlights
800m: - 2:57.77
1,500m: - 6:06.37
Mile: - 6:26.