Mary has been part of track and field since her father introduced her to the sport in 7th grade. She was a walk on to the 1980 University of Oregon Track Team and was coached by Tom Heinonen (Distance) & Mark Stream (Sprints) .
She resumed her track career in 1998, as a masters athlete while raising her two children and working full time in the banking industry. In addition to participating in the Master’s exhibition program at major meets, she enjoyed the following results:
2000 Hayward Classic | 800m - 2:19.70 W35 Meet Record
2001 US Masters Championship | 800m - 2nd.
2001 World Masters Championship Brisbane, Australia | 800m - 5th
2002 US Masters Championship | 800m - 1st, 400m 2nd
2002 World Masters Games Championship, Melbourne, Australia | 800m - 3rd, 400m 3rd, 4 X 400m 2nd.
In 2018, after many life challenges, related to work, family and health, Mary was very happy and excited to restart her masters track journey with Michael Donawa. Her dedication and passion for the sport makes her a standout masters athlete.
Age | 62
Profession | Small Business Owner, D2000 Safety
College | University of Oregon, Finance
Hobbies | Tennis, Sailing, Hiking, Camping
Events | 200m, 400m, 800m
Masters Ranking Profile | Mary Macauley
Masters Ranking Profile | Mary Johnson
Best Race Results 2023
200m: 33.72
400m: 74.77
800m: 3:22
Best Race Results 2024
200m: 34.12
400m: 73.01
800m: 2:58.76